Thursday, June 20, 2013

Our New Team Rocks!

Are we excited or what?!!! Our 4th/5th grade team rocks this year! Welcome to our staff Damon Timm. Mr. Timm will be joining our 5th grade team as the reading, writing and social studies specialist. Mr. Timm has been teaching forever and brings a wealth of ideas and experience to Hawthorne.  Moving up with her kids from 3rd grade is Mrs. Cluff. Mrs. Cluff has been at Hawthorne for 6 years and is so excited to be teaching reading, writing and social studies to all of the 4th graders. Mrs. Cluff will have a 4-5 ELD class for her homeroom. Our math and science specialists for next year are Mrs. Divine and Ms. Brimley. Mrs. Divine will be teaching math to all our 4th graders and Ms. Brimley will teach the 5th graders. Mrs. Brimley will have a 4th/5th class for her homeroom and Mrs. Divine will have 4th grade. Be sure to join us for "Meet the Teacher Night" to check out your child's new room and teachers. THIS YEAR WILL BE THE BEST!